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A Recurring Communication Code

McLaren Driver Sainz Jr. Reveals the Meaning Behind His "Smooth Operator" Messages

A Recurring Communication Code

Explaining the Connection

McLaren Formula 1 driver Carlos Sainz Jr. has shed light on the recurring use of "Smooth Operator" messages during races, drawn from Sade's 1984 hit song. Sainz explained that these messages serve as a coded communication to convey crucial information to his team.

According to Sainz, "Smooth Operator" signifies a specific car setting that provides him with optimal performance. This setting enhances the car's stability and allows him to maintain a smooth driving style under challenging conditions. By relaying "Smooth Operator" messages, Sainz can quickly and effectively alert his team to adjust the car accordingly.

Efficient Communication in the Heat of Competition

In the fast-paced and intense world of Formula 1 racing, clear and concise communication is essential. Sainz's use of "Smooth Operator" messages streamlines the communication process, eliminating potential delays or misunderstandings. By establishing a clear code, Sainz ensures that his team can respond promptly and make necessary adjustments.

Reflecting a Cool and Composed Mindset

Beyond its practical utility, Sainz's adoption of "Smooth Operator" messages also reflects his composed and analytical approach to racing. The term "smooth operator" conveys a sense of calm, precision, and control, qualities that are highly valued in the high-stakes environment of Formula 1. By using this phrase, Sainz not only communicates car settings but also projects an air of confidence and preparedness.


Carlos Sainz Jr.'s "Smooth Operator" messages have become an integral part of his communication strategy during Formula 1 races. By assigning a specific code to a crucial car setting, Sainz ensures efficient and effective communication with his team, enabling him to maintain optimal performance even under demanding conditions. Furthermore, these messages embody Sainz's cool and collected demeanor, underscoring his commitment to precision and control on the track.
