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Coast Fire Calculator Plan Your Path To Financial Independence

Coast FIRE Calculator: Plan Your Path to Financial Independence


Achieving financial independence (FI) is a dream for many, but the path to get there can seem daunting. The Coast FIRE calculator is a powerful tool that can help you plan your savings and visualize your progress towards FI.

What is Coast FIRE?

Coast FIRE is a retirement strategy that involves saving aggressively in the early years of your career and then coasting (or slowing down your savings) once you reach a certain point. The idea is to reach FI at a younger age than traditional retirement age, and then have enough money to live off of without working.

How to Use the Coast FIRE Calculator

The Coast FIRE calculator is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you plan your Coast FIRE progress. Here are the steps on how to use it:

  1. Input your current age.
  2. Input your current savings.
  3. Input your desired retirement age.
  4. Input your expected annual expenses in retirement.
  5. Input your expected annual investment returns.

Once you have inputted all of the required information, the calculator will generate a graph that shows your projected savings over time. The graph will also show you the point at which you will reach Coast FIRE.

Benefits of Using the Coast FIRE Calculator

There are several benefits to using the Coast FIRE calculator, including:

  • It can help you plan your savings and visualize your progress towards FI.
  • It can help you determine when you will reach Coast FIRE.
  • It can help you make adjustments to your savings plan as needed.


The Coast FIRE calculator is a valuable tool for anyone who is planning for FI. By using this calculator, you can make informed decisions about your savings and retirement goals.
